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Welcome the Sybrin Dev Docs! This is where you can find all the developer documentation on how to use our SDKs and Web APIs. Below is a table of all our products, once you find a product you are interested in click on the link under the platform column to be redirected to the documentation for that specific product.
Here is a table of all our products:
Biometrics Mobile SDK
A standalone mobile SDK for liveness detection, facial comparison and facial recognition.
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Biometrics Web SDK
A standalone web SDK for liveness detection.
A standalone and comprehensive API used for Identity Document capture and verification, Liveness and Facial Comparison.
Identity Mobile SDK
A standalone mobile SDK for identity document capture and verification.
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Identity Web SDK
A standalone web SDK for identity document capture and verification.
Web Onboarding
A standalone product that offers full onboarding functionality.
Dataset Attribution
This work uses the following datasets:
Mask Detection Based on YOLOv5 Dataset
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Face Detection Dataset
Mohamed Traore
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Real Fake Dataset
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Antispoof Dataset
Thanh huy
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International